Microneedling Info and Contradictions
How does Microneedling work within the skin?
Piercing the skin not only stimulates the growth of vital skin components, but also forms micro-channels through the epidermis that allow topical products to penetrate more effectively. Microneedling can be related to aerating a lawn, where, via puncture holes in the ground, provides pathways for fertilizer to enter. Since the skin heals better in a moist environment, it is important to apply hydrating products containing hyaluronic acid following the treatment.
Can I benefit from Microneedling?
Are you struggling with acne scarring, fine lines/wrinkles, or overall skin texture concerns? If YES - then this procedure is perfect for you! Additionally, it is safe for all skin types, dark to light and is a safe choice for all seasons.
What can I expect during and after my Microneedling appointment?
During your treatment the depth of the treatment will be tailored to your skin and you can experience some pinpoint bleeding where the channels were made. Most patients will look very pink similar to a sunburn and you may experience some slight swelling for up to a couple of days. Lastly, you may also experience some light flaking of dead skin cells for up to 5 days after the treatment, but this too is very manageable with a good moisturizer. Series of 3+ are required for desired results.
What results can I expect from Microneedling?
Your skin will feel smoother and brighter just 7-10 days after your treatment, and you will continue to see improvement for up to 6 months while your collagen is rebuilding. In most cases, it is recommended a series of 3-6 treatments spaced 1-2 months apart.
What to expect after Microneedling?
Skin may feel hot/warm/tingly for 1-6 hours post treatment.
Swelling- (usually lasting 2-24 hours but can last 2-3 days, especially around the eyes). If swelling is persistent, may take antihistamine and sleep elevated.
Redness – can last 1-3 days. Until redness is fully resolved, avoid activities that cause perspiration or increase the core body temperature. (ie. hot yoga, cardio, high intensity workouts, saunas, hot tubs, chlorinated swimming pools, lakes, etc.)
Light peeling or flakiness to be expected starting day 3, can last up to day 5 or 7.
How to prepare for your Microneedling appointment?
Discontinue Retinols/Tretinoins, AHA or BHA (chemical exfoliants) and prescription topicals 3-5 days prior to treatment.
No sunburn 48 hours prior to treatment
No Botox/fillers for two weeks prior to treatment
Discontinue Accutane/ Isotretinoin 6 months- 1 year prior to treatment.
Ensure you do not have any active cold sores.
Ablative resurfacing procedures for at least 3 months post-needling.
No active dermatitis, cold sores or open lesions
Do not wax or use depilatory creams on treated areas 5-7 days prior to treatment.
Wear sunscreen daily to prevent sunburn.
What are my post care instructions for Microneedling?
Keep skin cool, avoid excess heat (exercise, hot tubs, saunas) for 24-48 hours. * Avoid applying makeup until the next day.
Do not start back on your Retinoids/Tretinoins, AHA or BHA (chemical exfoliants) and prescription topicals 3-5 days or until peeling/dryness has resolved.
Do not pick, peel, scratch or rub the skin until fully healed.
It is recommended to use hyaluronic acid post treatment to help reseal the skin, calm inflammation, and add moisture and nutrients back to the skin.
It is recommended to wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30+ on a daily basis.
Avoid direct UV exposure for 7 days.
Contradictions to Microneedling
Acne grades III or IV (microneedling should not be done on actively inflamed, anemic areas of the skin)
Papulopustular Rosacea (though the procedure is safe for vascular rosacea) Presence of active cold sores or other infections
Accutane/ Isotretinoin use within six months- 1 year of treatment
Medical conditions that can alter the wound response (diabetes, cancer, auto-immune disorders)
Pregnancy or nursing
Keloid prone scarring *Moderate to severe eczema or psoriasis